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PrestaShop 1.5.x/1.6.x Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices

Ryan DeWitt April 1, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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This tutorial 显示s how to solve the issue with 移动 layout, specifically when 主题 does not 显示 up properly on 移动 devices in PrestaShop 1.5.x/1.6.x.

PrestaShop 1.5.x/1.6.x Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices

PrestaShop 1.6 version

PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-1

  1. 开放 admin section, go to Preferences -> Themes. 开放 移动 选项卡:

    PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-2

  2. Usually, this issue appears when 主题 is set for 移动 and/or smartphones layout (like on the screenshot above). By default, the 主题 uses 媒体 queries for 移动 layout and that is why you do not need to set it for 移动 layout in your admin panel. Select I’d like to disable it option and save changes:

    PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-3

  3. 清晰的 Prestashop 缓存.
    清晰的 your browser 缓存 and refresh the page. We have solved the issue. Template 显示s up properly now:

    PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-4

PrestaShop 1.5 version

PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-5

  1. 开放 admin section, go to Preferences -> Themes. Scroll down to section called Enable the 移动 主题:

    PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-6

  2. Usually such issue appears when 主题 is set for 移动 and/or smartphones layout (like on the screenshot above). By default, the 主题 uses 媒体 queries for 移动 layout. That is why you do not need to set it for 移动 layout in the admin panel. Select I’d like to disable it, please option and save changes:

    PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-7

  3. 清晰的 Prestashop 缓存.
    清晰的 browser’s 缓存 and refresh page. We have solved the issue. Template 显示s up properly now:

    PrestaShop Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices-8

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

PrestaShop 1.5.x/1.6.x Troubleshooter. Theme does not 显示 up on 移动 devices

Themes for Prestashop
This entry was posted in PrestaShop Tutorials and tagged 移动, Prestashop, 显示, 主题. Bookmark the permalink.

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